Akagera National Park

rwanda Touren

nyungwe forest canopy walk

3 Days Nyungwe Forest Fly-in Safari

Duration 3 days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

Overview Get ready for an amazing 3 days Nyungwe forest fly-in safari. Your journey kicks off with a flight to Kamembe on Rwandair, bringing you right to the...

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1 day kigali city tour

1 Day Kigali City Tour

Duration 1 days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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Gorilla Ruanda

3-tägige Berggorilla-Safari im Virunga-Nationalpark

Duration 3 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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3 Tage Schimpansen-Trekking in Ruanda

Duration 3 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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18 days best of East Africa safari

18 Tage das Beste von Ostafrika Safari

Duration 18 Tage days
Destinations Uganda-Touren  Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  Tansania  Kenia  Ostafrika  

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14 Days Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania Safari Tour

14 Tage Uganda, Ruanda und Tansania Safari Tour

Duration 14 Tage days
Destinations Uganda-Touren  Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  Tansania  Ostafrika  

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10 Tage Uganda- und Ruanda-Safari

Duration 10 Tage days
Destinations Uganda-Touren  Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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kigali Convention Center - 5 days Rwanda safari

5 Tage Ruanda Safari

Duration 5 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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4 Tage Nyungwe Schimpansen und Kahuzi-Biega Gorilla Safari

Duration 4 Tage Nyungwe Schimpansen und Kahuzi-Biega Gorilla Safari days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  DR Kongo  Ostafrika  

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3 Tage Goldmeerkatzen-Trekking in Ruanda

Duration 3 Tage Goldmeerkatzen-Trekking in Ruanda days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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3 Tage Gorilla Trekking im Volcanoes National Park

Duration 3 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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Giraffe, Akagera Nationalpark

2-tägige Safari im Akagera-Nationalpark

Duration 2 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

Sie verbringen Ihre zwei Tage im einzigen Savannenpark in Ruanda, Akagera, und nehmen an den beiden Aktivitäten teil: Eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Ihema-See, bei...

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Gorilla im Volcanoes Nationalpark Ruanda

10 Tage das Beste von Ruanda Safari

Duration 10 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

Visit Rwanda in 10 Days exploring the most selling and visited tourist destinations of Rwanda the land of a thousand hills. On this safari, you will have a...

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8 Tage Gorillasafari in Uganda, Ruanda und Kongo

Duration 8 Tage days
Destinations Uganda-Touren  Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  DR Kongo  Ostafrika  

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7 Tage Primaten und Wildtiere in Ruanda

Duration 7 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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6 Tage Kultursafari in Ruanda

Duration 6 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

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4 Days Rwanda Gorillas and Golden monkey Trekking

Duration days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

During these 4 days Rwanda gorillas and golden monkey trekking will take you to volcanoes national park which is the most visited National Park in Rwanda. The...

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6 Days Gorilla Trekking In Rwanda And Uganda

6 Tage Gorilla Trekking In Ruanda Und Uganda

Duration 6 Tage days
Destinations Uganda-Touren  Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  Ostafrika  

Das Kämmen von Gorilla-Trekking in Ruanda und Uganda garantiert Ihnen eine doppelte Begegnung mit den riesigen Berggorillas in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum....

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2 Tage Gorilla Tour in Ruanda

Duration 2 Tage days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

Genießen Sie eine 2-tägige Gorilla-Tour in Ruanda, eine außergewöhnliche kurze Safari, die Sie durch ein bemerkenswertes Gorilla-Trekking-Erlebnis führt....

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Tag 1: Gorilla-Trekking im Volcanoes-Nationalpark

1 Tage Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Tour ab Kigali

Duration 1 Tag days
Destinations Ruanda Gorilla Trekking Touren  

Eine eintägige Ruanda-Gorilla-Tour ist die beste, wenn Sie einen engen Zeitplan oder ein knappes Budget haben und eine Gorilla-Gruppe im...

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Akagera National Park, located in the eastern part of Rwanda, stands as one of the country’s largest and most significant wildlife conservation areas. Spanning about 1,122 square kilometers, this remarkable park offers one of the best safari experiences in Rwanda, making it a must-visit for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. The park is home to diverse ecosystems, including savannahs, lakes, wetlands, and mountains, all of which provide a sanctuary for a rich variety of wildlife.

History of Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, established in 1934, was originally created to protect the region’s wildlife, including several species that were facing extinction. Named after the Akagera River, the park once spanned 2,500 square kilometers but suffered severe losses in both land and wildlife due to human encroachment and poaching following the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. In 2009, a management partnership between the Rwanda Development Board and African Parks was formed to restore and preserve the park. This collaboration led to remarkable conservation achievements, including the reintroduction of lions in 2015 and black rhinos in 2017, both of which had previously gone extinct in the park.

Wildlife in Akagera National Park

Akagera is home to a variety of large mammals, including African bush elephants, buffaloes, lions, giraffes, zebras, and the rare black rhino. Visitors can explore the park on game drives to witness these animals in their natural environments. The park also offers sightings of primates like vervet monkeys, olive baboons, and black-and-white colobus monkeys. With over 500 bird species, including the iconic shoebill stork, Akagera is a paradise for birdwatchers.

Activities in Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park offers a range of exciting activities for visitors, ensuring a memorable safari experience. One of the most popular activities is the game drives, which allow tourists to explore the park’s vast savannah landscapes. Game drives are available both during the day and at night, with morning drives starting as early as 6 am and night drives beginning at 6 pm. During these drives, visitors can expect to see a variety of wildlife including elephants, giraffes, antelope, and lions. The night drives provide a special opportunity to see nocturnal animals such as leopards, jackals, and serval cats. Game drives typically last between 1 to 3 hours.

Boat cruises are another highlight of Akagera, giving visitors a chance to explore the scenic lakes, particularly Lake Ihema, where hippos and crocodiles are commonly sighted. Scheduled boat trips are available four times a day, at 7:30 am, 9 am, 3 pm, and 4:30 pm, with private trips also available for those seeking a more personalized experience.

For bird enthusiasts, Akagera is home to over 500 bird species, making bird-watching a must-do activity in the park. Some of the species that can be spotted include the rare Shoebill Stork, Grey Crowned Crane, and Marabou Stork. Birding trips cost USD 30 per person and offer visitors a chance to see a wide array of birdlife in their natural habitat.

Fishing is another popular activity in Akagera and is mainly done on Lake Shakani. Common fish species such as tilapia and catfish can be caught, and the park even organizes fishing tournaments.

Hiking and guided nature walks provide visitors with an opportunity to explore Akagera on foot, offering a closer look at the park's flora and fauna. These walks allow visitors to learn about the various plant, tree, insect, and bird species that inhabit the park.

Community tours are a great way for visitors to engage with the local communities living near the park. These tours introduce visitors to Rwandan culture through traditional dance performances, folk songs, and arts and crafts. Visitors can also participate in local farm activities such as milking cows, making local ghee, and cooking traditional Rwandan dishes.

Other activities in Akagera include behind-the-scenes tours, camping, and the unique "walk the line" hiking experience.

Best Time to Visit Akagera National Park

The best time to visit Akagera National Park is during the dry season, which runs from June to September. During this time, wildlife is easier to spot as animals congregate around water sources, and the park's roads are more accessible for game drives. The wet season, from March to May and October to November, is ideal for visitors interested in bird watching as migratory species are more abundant. However, the lush green landscapes during this period make wildlife viewing more challenging due to the thicker vegetation.

2 days Akagera National Park Safari