
Magical 5 Days Masai Mara Safari

Dive into the magic of the Masai Mara with our handpicked 5 day safari package. It’s one of our top Masai Mara packages and is crafted to show off the very best of Kenya’s famous Masai Mara National Reserve. Expect thrilling game drives, top-notch accommodations, and unforgettable wildlife moments. From the picturesque Lake Naivasha to the expansive Masai Mara plains, every day offers unique experiences that showcase Kenya’s stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife.

masai mara game drive
wildebeest migration masai mara
masai mara hot air balloon safari

Day 1: Nairobi – Hotel

We'll pick you up from Jomo Kenyatta Airport and drive you to your hotel in Nairobi. Enjoy your first night in the city.

Day 2: Nairobi – Masai Mara

Rise and shine early to catch the stunning sunrise and the awakening wildlife. We’ll travel through the scenic Great Rift Valley, soaking in views of the escarpment as we head towards the Masai Mara National Reserve.

As we arrive, you'll see why the Masai Mara is so special. This renowned park is famous for its abundant wildlife and, during the great migration (July-Oct), you’ll witness a spectacular movement of Gazelle, Wildebeest, and Zebra. We’ll be on the lookout for Africa’s Big Five: lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, and more.

We’ll spend the next two nights in a safari tented camp within the Masai Mara.

Day 3: Masai Mara Full Day

Today is all about exploring! Enjoy unlimited game drives and see what the Masai Mara has to offer. Whether you want to track lions, elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, or simply relax, it’s up to you. The Mara River is a hotspot for hippos and crocodiles, and you might spot lions waiting for grazing animals.

If you’re up for it, you can visit a nearby Masai village to experience their culture and maybe join in their famous jumping dance. For an extra special treat, consider an optional early morning hot air balloon safari for a breathtaking view of the park. Just let your guide know, and they’ll handle the arrangements.

Day 4: Masai Mara – Naivasha

After breakfast, we'll head from Masai Mara to Lake Naivasha, passing through the Great Rift Valley with some scenic stops along the way. At Lake Naivasha, we’ll swap the jeep for a boat and explore the lake’s wildlife, including hippos, exotic fish, and various bird species.

For an optional experience, you can take a guided walking safari on Crescent Island, where you might see antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, and giraffes. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also visit Hell’s Gate National Park, either by bike or 4x4, for a safari through the gorge.

We’ll end the day at your Lodge in Naivasha.

Day 5: Naivasha – Nairobi

After a relaxed breakfast at the lodge, we’ll drive back to Nairobi. Along the way, your guide will point out the Longonot Volcano, an extinct strato volcano.

You have the option to stay longer in Naivasha for lunch or additional excursions (at extra cost), or head straight to Nairobi. If you choose, you can also visit the Kiambethu Tea Farm for a tour and buffet lunch (at extra cost) before continuing to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your departure.

We’ll drop you off at your hotel, residence, or the airport in Nairobi.



 5 Days



From $1420 pp 


  • 住宿(旅馆、帐篷或露营地
  • 膳食(早餐、午餐和晚餐)
  • 公园和保护费
  • 大猩猩之旅的大猩猩许可证(每人 800 美元)
  • 带导游的驾车游猎和散步
  • 交通(往返机场以及旅馆/露营地之间
  • 瓶装水和非酒精饮料
  • 一些旅馆/露营地还可能提供洗衣服务和 Wi-Fi


  • 国际航班
  • 签证和旅行保险
  • 含酒精的饮料
  • 可选活动(例如乘坐热气球或文化参观)
  • 导游和工作人员的小费
  • 个人开支(例如纪念品或水疗护理)
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Destination 刚果民主共和国  

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Destination 卢旺达大猩猩徒步之旅  
sipi falls

2 天 西皮瀑布野生动物园

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Destination 乌干达  

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Destination 卢旺达大猩猩徒步之旅  
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Duration 10天 days
Destination 乌干达  坦桑尼亚  东非