
7日間 - マサイマラの驚異

専門家が企画した 7 日間のマサイマラ サファリ アドベンチャーで、ケニアの驚異を発見してください。ナイバシャ湖の穏やかな湖畔から伝説のマサイマラ国立保護区まで、素晴らしい風景と魅惑的な野生動物に浸ってください。

Day 1: Nairobi to Naivasha Start your adventure with a journey from Nairobi to Naivasha, a picturesque town known for its stunning landscapes and abundant wildlife. Enjoy a scenic boat ride on Lake Naivasha, where you’ll have the chance to spot hippos and a variety of bird species. Following the boat ride, take a guided walking tour of Crescent Island, a beautiful sanctuary where you can explore on foot and observe giraffes, zebras, and other wildlife up close. Spend the night in Naivasha.

Day 2: Day Trip to Nakuru On your second day, embark on an exciting day trip to Lake Nakuru National Park. Known for its flamingos and diverse wildlife, this park offers incredible game-viewing opportunities. After a day of exploring Nakuru's natural wonders, return to Naivasha for another restful night.

Day 3: Naivasha to Masai Mara Travel from Naivasha to the world-famous Masai Mara National Reserve. Arrive and settle into your accommodation. In the evening, set out for a thrilling game drive in the Masai Mara, where you'll have the chance to spot the incredible wildlife that roams this renowned reserve. Spend the night in the Masai Mara.

Day 4: Full Day Game Drive in Masai Mara Enjoy a full day of game driving in the Masai Mara. This reserve is home to the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino) and offers spectacular opportunities for wildlife viewing. Whether it’s the vast savannahs or the rolling hills, each moment in the Mara is unforgettable. Spend another night in the Masai Mara.

Day 5: Another Full Day in Masai Mara Continue your exploration of the Masai Mara with another full day of game drives. Each game drive offers a new perspective and the chance to witness different aspects of the Mara's diverse wildlife. Enjoy the comforts of your accommodation as you rest up for your journey ahead.

Day 6: Transfer to Nairobi After a memorable experience in the Masai Mara, transfer back to Nairobi. Once in Nairobi, you’ll have the evening free to relax or explore the city at your leisure. Spend the night in Nairobi, preparing for your departure the next day.

Day 7: Departure On your final day, you’ll be transferred to the airport for your departure. Take with you unforgettable memories of your safari adventure in Kenya.





From $2,929 per person 


  • 宿泊施設(ロッジ、テント、キャンプ場)
  • 食事(朝食、昼食、夕食)
  • 公園および自然保護料
  • ゴリラツアーのゴリラ許可証(1人あたり800ドル)
  • ガイド付きゲームドライブとウォーキング
  • 交通手段(空港往復、ロッジ/キャンプ場間)
  • ボトル入り飲料水とノンアルコール飲料
  • 一部のロッジ/キャンプ場には、ランドリー サービスや Wi-Fi が含まれている場合もあります。


  • 国際線
  • ビザと旅行保険
  • アルコール飲料
  • オプションのアクティビティ (熱気球体験や文化訪問など)
  • ガイドとスタッフへのチップ
  • 個人的な費用(お土産やスパトリートメントなど)
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Destination ケニア  
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