
3 Days Nyungwe Forest Fly-in Safari

Get ready for an amazing 3 days Nyungwe forest fly-in safari. Your journey kicks off with a flight to Kamembe on Rwandair, bringing you right to the doorstep of this lush, ancient rainforest. Nyungwe is a paradise for nature lovers, packed with incredible wildlife like chimpanzees, monkeys, and colorful birds. Enjoy the thrill of trekking through the forest to spot chimpanzees up close, and don’t miss the exciting canopy walk, where you’ll get stunning views from above the treetops. This trip is all about easy travel, stunning nature, and unforgettable moments.

Day 1: Fly Kigali – Kamembe – Nyungwe (Canopy Walk)

Your adventure starts with a morning pick-up from your hotel in Kigali, followed by a short flight to Kamembe on Rwandair. You’ll land at 08:20 and be greeted before heading straight to the lush Nyungwe National Park. After a light refreshment at the park’s cafeteria, get ready for an exciting canopy walk at 11:00, where you’ll stroll high above the treetops, taking in breathtaking views of the rainforest. Afterward, you’ll check in at the stunning One & Only Nyungwe Resort, enjoy lunch, and relax with an afternoon activity at the resort. End your day with a delicious dinner and a cozy overnight stay.

Day 2: Nyungwe (Chimpanzee Trekking)

Rise early with a packed breakfast and head into the heart of Nyungwe Forest for an unforgettable chimpanzee trekking experience. You’ll start with a briefing before setting off at 06:00 to track the playful chimps in their natural habitat. After your trek, return to the resort to unwind and have lunch. Spend the afternoon enjoying the resort’s amenities or join in a complimentary activity. Wrap up the day with a relaxing dinner and another night at the resort.

Day 3: Nyungwe – Kigali (Scenic Drive)

Enjoy a delicious breakfast at the resort before checking out and setting off on a leisurely 7 hour drive back to Kigali. Along the way, you’ll stop at the Ethnographic Museum and King’s Palace, giving you a glimpse into Rwanda’s rich culture and history. Lunch is planned at the charming Stafford Restaurant before continuing the drive. Arrive back in Kigali in the evening, where you’ll be dropped off at your hotel, bringing your incredible Nyungwe Forest Fly-in Safari to a close.





From $1200 per person 


  • 宿泊施設(ロッジ、テント、キャンプ場)
  • 食事(朝食、昼食、夕食)
  • 公園および自然保護料
  • ゴリラツアーのゴリラ許可証(1人あたり800ドル)
  • ガイド付きゲームドライブとウォーキング
  • 交通手段(空港往復、ロッジ/キャンプ場間)
  • ボトル入り飲料水とノンアルコール飲料
  • 一部のロッジ/キャンプ場には、ランドリー サービスや Wi-Fi が含まれている場合もあります。


  • 国際線
  • ビザと旅行保険
  • アルコール飲料
  • オプションのアクティビティ (熱気球体験や文化訪問など)
  • ガイドとスタッフへのチップ
  • 個人的な費用(お土産やスパトリートメントなど)
lake bunyonyi


Duration 3泊4日 days
Destination ウガンダのツアー  
nyiragongo volcano in DR congo


Duration 3日 days
Destination コンゴ民主共和国  
lowland gorilla congo


Duration 3日 days
Destination コンゴ民主共和国  


Duration 3日 days
Destination ウガンダのツアー  


Duration 2日 days
Destination ウガンダのツアー  


Duration 2 Days days
Destination ルワンダ ゴリラ トレッキング ツアー