
3 Days Burundi Highlights Tour

3 Days Burundi Experience Tour offers a unique journey into the heart of Burundi, blending local culture with stunning natural beauty. You'll start by exploring the southernmost source of the Nile River and marvel at the breathtaking Karera Waterfall. Next, immerse yourself in Burundian traditions at the Gishora Drum Sanctuary, where you'll enjoy lively drum performances and dances. Your adventure continues with a serene boat ride on the Ruzizi River and wraps up with a tour of Bujumbura, the vibrant capital city. This trip promises a rich blend of historical, cultural, and scenic experiences, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Day 1: Source of the Nile and Karera Waterfall

Start your adventure at the southernmost source of the Nile River, nestled in the lush mountains of Burundi, about 70 miles southeast of Bujumbura. This small spring on Mount Kikizi marks the southernmost origin of the Nile. Then, head to the breathtaking Karera Waterfall, where you can take in the serene surroundings and enjoy a peaceful break in nature.

Day 2: Royal Drummers of Burundi - Gishora Royal Drum Sanctuary

Discover the vibrant culture of Burundi at the Gishora Drum Sanctuary, located 7 km from Gitega. Perched on a hill, this site is famous for its traditional drums, which were once crucial for announcing royal events and major national occasions. Watch an impressive drum performance and get involved in the traditional dances. If you want a more organized experience, it's a good idea to book in advance.

Day 3: Boat Ride on River Ruzizi and Bujumbura City Tour

Finish your tour with a relaxing boat ride on the Ruzizi River. This young river, formed about 10,000 years ago due to volcanic activity in the Virunga Mountains, originally carried overflow from Lake Kivu towards the Nile before being redirected into the Congo Basin. Enjoy the peaceful waters and scenic views. Then, explore Bujumbura, the lively capital city, with a guided tour of its landmarks and local hotspots.

This unforgettable journey offers a rich mix of Burundi’s natural wonders and cultural experiences, creating African memories you'll cherish forever.

Résumé de la visite




From $1200 per person 

Ce qui est inclus

  • Hébergement (lodges, tentes ou campings)
  • Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner)
  • Frais de parc et de conservation
  • Permis pour les visites des gorilles (800 $ par personne)
  • Des safaris et des promenades guidées
  • Transport (vers et depuis l'aéroport, et entre les lodges/campings)
  • de l'eau en bouteille et des boissons non alcoolisées
  • Certains lodges/campings peuvent également inclure des services de blanchisserie et une connexion Wi-Fi

Ce qui n'est pas inclus

  • Les vols internationaux
  • Visas et assurance voyage
  • Boissons alcoolisées
  • Activités optionnelles (comme des balades en montgolfière ou des visites culturelles)
  • Pourboires pour les guides et le personnel
  • Dépenses personnelles (telles que des souvenirs ou des traitements de spa)
14 Days Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania Safari Tour

14 jours Ouganda, Rwanda et Tanzania Safari Tour

Duration 14 jours days
Destination Voyage en Ouganda  Excursions de randonnée pour observer les gorilles au Rwanda  Tanzanie  Afrique de l'Est  
les éléphants

Safari de 10 jours en Ouganda et au Rwanda

Duration 10 jours days
Destination Voyage en Ouganda  Excursions de randonnée pour observer les gorilles au Rwanda  

Safari exclusif de 10 jours en Ouganda

Duration 10 jours days
Destination Voyage en Ouganda  
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Safari au Rwanda de 5 jours

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Destination Excursions de randonnée pour observer les gorilles au Rwanda  

4 jours de safari avec les chimpanzés de Nyungwe et les gorilles de Kahuzi-Biega

Duration 4 jours de safari avec les chimpanzés de Nyungwe et les gorilles de Kahuzi-Biega days
Destination Excursions de randonnée pour observer les gorilles au Rwanda  RD Congo  Afrique de l'Est  

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Duration 3 jours de trekking avec les singes dorés au Rwanda days
Destination Excursions de randonnée pour observer les gorilles au Rwanda