
1 jour de randonnée aux gorilles en Ouganda depuis Kigali

The 1-day gorilla trek in Uganda from Kigali is an ideal choice for travelers seeking a quick yet immersive wildlife experience. This trek offers a shorter and more convenient route to see the endangered mountain gorillas in Uganda, starting and ending in Kigali, Rwanda. With an early morning departure, you can journey through stunning landscapes, cross international borders, and enjoy a day filled with adventure—all within a tight schedule. This option is perfect for those who want to maximize their time and still experience the magic of gorilla trekking without the need for a multi-day commitment.

gorilla trek in bwindi
1 day gorilla trek in bwindi from kigali
gorilla family in bwindi


Day 1: Gorilla Trekking - Bwindi From Kigali

Begin your 1 day gorilla trekking with a 4:00 AM pickup from your Kigali hotel. The scenic drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park takes about 4-5 hours, including a border crossing into Uganda. Along the way, soak in the breathtaking views of the rolling hills and lush greenery that define both Rwanda and Uganda.

Upon arrival at Bwindi, your gorilla trekking adventure kicks off with a briefing at the park headquarters. You'll then be guided through the dense forest, tracking a habituated gorilla family. The trek can last between 2 to 6 hours, depending on the gorillas' location. When you finally find them, you'll have the extraordinary opportunity to spend one hour observing and photographing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

After the trek, you'll return to Kigali, arriving in the late evening, capping off a day filled with unforgettable experiences.

Résumé de la visite

 1 Day



From $1400 per person 

Ce qui est inclus

  • Hébergement (lodges, tentes ou campings)
  • Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner)
  • Frais de parc et de conservation
  • Permis pour les visites des gorilles (800 $ par personne)
  • Des safaris et des promenades guidées
  • Transport (vers et depuis l'aéroport, et entre les lodges/campings)
  • de l'eau en bouteille et des boissons non alcoolisées
  • Certains lodges/campings peuvent également inclure des services de blanchisserie et une connexion Wi-Fi

Ce qui n'est pas inclus

  • Les vols internationaux
  • Visas et assurance voyage
  • Boissons alcoolisées
  • Activités optionnelles (comme des balades en montgolfière ou des visites culturelles)
  • Pourboires pour les guides et le personnel
  • Dépenses personnelles (telles que des souvenirs ou des traitements de spa)
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