
4 Days Rwanda Gorillas and Golden monkey Trekking

During these 4 days Rwanda gorillas and golden monkey trekking will take you to volcanoes national park which is the most visited National Park in Rwanda. The park is one of the parks in East Africa known for homing the endangered mountain gorillas which are the closest relatives of a man sharing 95-99% DNA that of man after the chimps and bonobos.

The park also homes the golden monkeys. You will also visit Dian Fossey's tomb and then travel back to Kigali airport and fly home.

Detailed itinerary

Day 1: Arrival at airport and transfer to Volcanoes National Park

Be picked up by your driver guide together with our company representative who will brief you shortly about the Safari. The briefing will mainly focus on the procedures to follow while on the safari and after you will drive heading to the most visited place, the volcanoes national Park which is famous for homing mountain gorillas.

The park is located in the northwestern part of Rwanda taking a 2-3 hours’ drive from Kigali. Drive to your lodge for your meals

Day 2: Gorilla trekking and hike to Dian Fossey tomb

This is the day you have been waiting for as you will begin it with a well-served breakfast and after a drive heading for an interesting activity, gorilla trekking. You will be briefed shortly before you set off for trekking. This will consist of the rules and regulations to follow while on your way to the forest.

The activity takes 1-8 hours and porters are always available to help you carry heavy bags, cameras, binoculars and other things which you may need for your safari. These porters are paid according to how you negotiate with them and since the animals move high in mountainous areas, you are advised to carry enough drinking water, hiking shoes/gumboots.

As soon as you reach these animals, you will be given an hour in their presence as you are taking photos, and see them playing with each other, jumping from one tree to another. After returning to the headquarters for your trekking certificate and then drive back to your lodge for lunch.

In the evening prepare yourself and drive to the Karisoke research Centre where Dian Fossey was buried. She was one of the few primatologists who advocated against poachers who killed many gorillas and it is said that she worked hard and was one of the first people who started the work of habituation.

It is believed that if it was not for her efforts, gorillas would be no more in Rwanda, Uganda and Dr Congo but unfortunately, she was murdered by poachers in 1985. After visiting Dian Fossey's tomb, drive to your lodge for dinner and have a rest there.

Day 3: Golden monkey trek

Enjoy your morning breakfast at your lodge and head for another exciting activity, the golden monkey trekking which is also done in volcanoes national park. The activity takes 3-4 hours and when you reach them you will be given an hour taking photos and videos of these rare animals. After you will drive to head back to the lodge for lunch and stretch your muscles while at the lodge.

Day 4: Travel to Kigali and fly home

This is the last day of your safari in Rwanda and you will start the day with a morning breakfast after which you will drive to Kigali and be dropped at the restaurant of your choice or from where you will drive to Kigali airport and fly back home.

Resumen del recorrido




From $1200 per person 

Que esta incluido

  • Alojamiento (albergues, tiendas de campaña o campings)
  • Comidas (desayuno, almuerzo y cena)
  • Tasas de parque y conservación
  • Permisos para excursiones de observación de gorilas (800 USD por persona)
  • Game drives y caminatas guiadas
  • Transporte (hacia y desde el aeropuerto, y entre albergues/campings)
  • Agua embotellada y bebidas no alcohólicas - Algunos albergues/campings también pueden incluir servicios de lavandería y Wi-Fi

Lo que no está incluido

  • Les vols internationaux
  • Visas et assurance voyage
  • Boissons alcoolisées
  • Activités optionnelles (comme des balades en montgolfière ou des visites culturelles)
  • Pourboires pour les guides et le personnel
  • Dépenses personnelles (telles que des souvenirs ou des traitements de spa)
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